El estado de Maryland esta por implementar las tecnologías de red V2V (Vehicle-to-Vehicle) y V2I (Vehicle-Infrastructure).
Para los no técnicos:
Un automóvil podra decirle a los otros: Donde esta, su velocidad, si tiene algún problema, etc.
Y con la V2I la carretera podra informarle al sistema inteligente del automóvil de trafico pesado adelante y elegir otra ruta o áreas en construcción, si esta fuera se la velocidad permitida o si sus neumáticos ya deben ser cambiados.
En las fotos por ejemplo, vea como en el sistema de navegación de su vehículo aparece una advertencia de una motocicleta que aparecerá por su derecha, siendo que, usted aun no la ha visto. El sistema calcula la velocidad de ambos vehiculos, el punto de encuentro y produce las advertencias necesarias.
Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications for Safety is the dynamic wireless exchange of data between nearby vehicles that offers the opportunity for significant safety improvements. By exchanging anonymous, vehicle-based data regarding position, speed, and location (at a minimum), V2V communications enables a vehicle to: sense threats and hazards with a 360 degree awareness of the position of other vehicles and the threat or hazard they present; calculate risk; issue driver advisories or warnings; or take pre-emptive actions to avoid and mitigate crashes. At the heart of V2V communications is a basic application known as the Here I Am data message. This message can be derived using non-vehicle-based technologies such as GPS to identify location and speed of a vehicle, or vehicle-based sensor data wherein the location and speed data is derived from the vehicle’s computer and is combined with other data such as latitude, longitude, or angle to produce a richer, more detailed situational awareness of the position of other vehicles. Because the Here I Am data message can be derived from non-vehicle-based technologies that are ubiquitous within the marketplace, the ITS Program may leverage an opportunity to accelerate V2V capability and deployment in the near-term and produce safety benefits through reduced crashes sooner than through Original Equipment Manufacturer(OEM) embedded systems only.
The vision for V2V is that eventually, each vehicle on the roadway (inclusive of automobiles, trucks, buses, motor coaches, and motorcycles) will be able to communicate with other vehicles and that this rich set of data and communications will support a new generation of active safety applications and safety systems. V2V communications will enable active safety systems that can assist drivers in preventing 76 percent of the crashes on the roadway, thereby reducing fatalities and injuries that occur each year.
V2V Communications for Safety is a key component in the USDOT's Vehicle to Vehicle Communications program, and is complemented by research programs that support connectivity among vehicles and infrastructure (V2I) and among vehicles and consumer devices (V2D) to deliver safety and mobility benefits.
- See more at: http://www.its.dot.gov/research/v2v.htm#sthash.r2n9woyi.dpuf
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